Lung Cancer Prediction
Collaborated with Dr. Kalapdrum Passi, a Professor at Laurentian University in Sudbury, Canada, on a lung cancer prediction project. Developed a highly accurate predictive model leveraging Dr. Passi's mentorship and expertise, achieving a remarkable 98% accuracy rate. Led the identification and analysis of physical and health-related factors to predict the occurrence of lung cancer.
Personal Portfolio Website
I have tirelessly worked on my personal portfolio website for above 2 months (constantly updating it twice a week) which I created using HTML-CSS-JS (with Boostrap Studio and AOS JS Library). special feature:- AOS js library, dark-light mode toggle button, moving waves footer, waves in fonts, organized all things with responsiveness, mentioned all content inside it with certificate, badges as proof. with creative hover button.
E-commerce website
Created this E-commerce website using Html, Css, bootstrap, javascirpt, Mysql, PhpMyadmin. Having all thing from home page to checout and payment gateway.
Live Weather updater
Weather API project in which it shows the temperture, time with day, date PM/AM. Weather with its icon variation. Just while inputing the city name we will get its details.
One stop Healthcare
SMART INDIA HACKATHON - Our team topic. It an one stop platform linked with Aadhar card, whole health related database will be record here. If any patient go to doctor for treatment, doctor will enter its Aadhar number in portal and add its location and stuff. give medicine and its timing to patient. And all this will record for lifetime in it. Whole medical record of vaccination's , AIDs, cancer, etc will be seen using just entering aadhar number. Its a protoype wireframe for explaining our idea and way to professor further inmplementing on selection.
Authentication page
Created this authentication page using Html, CSS, bootstrap, javascript. Which is responsive and interactive UI. It provide the alert while not inputing or invalid input. Email, username, password, age, gender.
Digital Clock
Digital clock created using Html, css, javsciprt. shows us time, mins, seconds, day, year, month
Task Noter
Created this TO-Do list with Html,css,Bootrap,javascript. It can add your task and list them below. once you completed your taks you can delete them using delete button one by one which every you like to delete.
Login / sign up page UI
Created this login / signup page using Html, CSS, bootstrap, javascript. Which is responsive and interactive UI. It also include animated vibrating button. whenever user didn't fill up required details it in OR some error comes while running it. It wil give an alert for it to re-enter given data.